Monday, 21 February 2011

Protecting You Wee Ones

There has been alot of very sad stories gathering media attention as of late about the pain and suffering of children. This kind of information overload has me hugging my daughter extra tighter at night and making sure that she is in my sights a majority of the time. Of course there are the mundane steps that you can take to ensure your little ones safety.  Things such as knowing where they are, talking to them about stranger danger, keeping the lines of communication open  so that they can talk to you when something is wrong, the list goes on... However, I find that a little magickal intervention would not go a miss and if anything might give me a peace of mind . I created this spell  for a bit of added protection for my child feel free to use and change as you see fit:

You will need a black candle, picture of the child, salt, Lavender incense.  You can also anoint and charge the candle with protection oil if you have some available. Rub hands together to get the energy flowing, light candle and incense hold picture in cupped hand and chant three times. While you are chanting visualise a protective egg or bubble made of the brightest protective energy, completely covering the child and that this protective egg is impassable for people who wish to harm your child.

" In this time and in this hour
I call upon the ancient power.
little child I hold so dear
Keep her safe from pain and fear.
Powers that be I ask you please
protect her from danger and disease.
little child who's close to my heart.
Be safe when we are apart.
Blood of my blood and flesh of my flesh
Protection for  (name of child) is what I wish.
So mote it be three fold and free"
Place the photo under or beside candle holder and circle with salt.
Let the candles and incense burn out (Use  candle safety when doing this type of magick.). Please remember that magick is not a substitute for common sense and you  must still work on the mundane plane  to protect your little one.
                                                                                                             Brightest blessings, B